iLearn OU Blog activity participation report in iLearn insights can be accessed from Unit > ‘OU blog details’ menu. This report displays the following information about a student:
- Posted within last 7 days (yes or no)
- Last post date
- Number of posts
- Number of comments

This report can be filtered to view:
- all students who posted within the last 7 days
- all students who have not posted within the last 7 days
- all students posted within a certain number of expected post
- all students commented within a certain number of expected comments

Initiative and thanks to Sarah Keith, Dept of Media, Music, Comm. & Cultural Studies
In MMCC2090 students are required to post to the OU Blog once each week, responding to a set activity on that week’s topic. They are also required to comment on two other students’ responses. This activity constitutes an assessment (Active iLearn Engagement). I have used the OU Blog participation report to find out which students are falling behind with this assessment, and send targeted e-mails reminding them that they need to post every week. It has been a really helpful way to quickly identify students at risk of failing this assessment.
Dr Sarah Keith
FHEA ⋮ Senior Lecturer in Media and Music ⋮ MMCCS Director of Learning & Teaching (Quality and Standards)
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